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90 Minute Session With Daran


Prefered payment is Cash, Zelle or Check. $150

Gratuity is appreciated.

Or use the shopping cart below. A credit card fee is automatically added.

Please email or call me to schedule your appointment.
Email: [email protected]
Phone or text: 919-951-5644

I can help you create the life ​you ​desire by ​removing ​old subconscious programming​ that no longer serves you. I offer a combination of life coaching, intuitive counseling, shamanic healing, sound therapy, reflexology and didgeridoo playing lessons for the treatment of sleep apnea and breathing issues.

I'm an intuitive healer and teacher who was born with the ability to feel and see energy in people.

When sound is used in healing, the deep vibrations permeate your physical and energetic body, creating a unique “sound massage” experience.

A complimentary email follow up is included with each session.

Please email or call me to schedule your appointment.
Email: [email protected]
Phone or text: 919-951-5644

LOCATION: Sound Healing Sanctuary, 506 Old Greensboro Rd, Chapel Hill NC 27516
OR......Sessions can be with: Phone, Zoom, Facetime or Messenger.

NOTICE: Your purchase will show our company name: AHA INC DBA Healing Earth Resources.