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[email protected]

Hi I'm Edie

I am an instigator of magic and miracles.

My passion is to awaken and empower your innate healing potential by guiding you to connect with your inner wisdom.

Together, we can create meaningful shifts in your perception, participation, and experience of life, helping you move forward with clarity, ease, and purpose.

My Experience & Approach

With over 35 years of experience as a healing arts practitioner and teacher, I have worked with thousands of people, helping them find deeper peace within their body and mind while experiencing profound moments of self-discovery.

I am not just a massage therapist—I work holistically, addressing not only the physical body but also clearing obstacles in the mind, emotions, energy field, and spiritual bodies.

I believe true health comes from an integral balance of all aspects of the self, and my work is designed to help you reconnect with that natural state of coherence.

What to Expect in a Session

Each session is uniquely tailored to your needs and may incorporate a blend of:

Massage therapy
Energetic and chakra healing
Life coaching
Hypnotherapy and past life regression
Yoga and self-care movement therapies
Session structure

Initial Consultation – We begin with a conversation to determine which modalities will best serve you that day.
Healing Work – You are invited to actively participate in your own healing process throughout the session.
Integration and Reflection – We conclude with a check-in to discuss your experience, insights, and any personalized recommendations to support your ongoing transformation.
I enjoy helping clients discover practical ways to integrate a healthier lifestyle into their daily lives.

*Sessions can be in person or via phone or Zoom.